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May 12, 2024 3 min read

How do you celebrate Mother's Day with your family?


Normally we have a quiet morning at home filled with lots of cuddles followed by lunch at my mum’s house. But this year my mum has a wedding on the same day so we are having a yummy breakfast out at Hellenika followed by a day like any other I’m sure. But spending quality time together doing anything is always perfect in my eyes.




What's the most rewarding aspect of being a mother?



So many rewarding elements but I would say for me the most rewarding is the special bond and relationship I have with my kids. That trust and security they have in me. That they need me and love me and that I am doing a service for them by caring for them and making sure they get nourished and clothed and fed. Shaping them from babies to growing into their own person into adulthood. That special responsibility of knowing that I am helping to shape the person they will become is so special.




As a mother of three, how has your relationship with fashion changed over the years?



My style has certainly changed. I have learned to embrace my curves and find different shapes that suit my body.




What do you appreciate most about your own mother?



Her patience. Haha after having my own children, I really appreciate my mums patience that she had with us growing up.



How do you juggle working full time and being a mum of 3?



The best I can. It is really challenging and sometimes I don’t feel I do either well as I’m trying to do too much at once. But having reminders on my phone in my calendar and trying to plan ahead and stay organised is the only way it works. My mum has been a HUGE help with helping me with my kids over the years also so I couldn’t have done it without her.



What's one lesson you hope to teach your children?



There are too many lessons! Haha.

I want my children to have a relationship with God and Jesus and I want to teach them about the lessons in the Bible. That your character as a person is your business card for life and that it is one of the most important things. Resilience & persistence also. They are hard lessons to teach these days with everything being so highly convenient and at our fingertips.



What is your advice to new mums?



You are stronger and more resilient than you know. Women are incredibly strong and we need to know that. Also, lean on your circle and community. Whether it is family, friends etc, it takes a village and it is a beautiful thing to bring people together.



What advice do you have for young women looking to start their own businesses?



Resilience, persistence & character. Work on those 3 things and the rest will follow. They are life lessons and lessons for business or career also. Your character will attract the right people & help guide you through it, resilience will help you when facing adversity and persistence will help you if things don’t go the way you plan.



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