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May 06, 2022 4 min read

This Sunday we celebrate our beautiful Mum's, whether they're with us or in our hearts, our Mother figures or Father's who have served as both. We interviewed the Beautiful mama's in our team; our director, Zoi, Sales Coordinator Lauren and Operations Coordinator Verity. 



What is your favourite part of being a Mum?

All the cuddles!! My kids are all really good cuddle givers and I just love their little faces so much. They bring me so much joy seeing them every day and getting to be apart of their journey.

What inspires you the most about your Mother?

I am most inspired by my mums resilience. She raised my brother and sister and me while also helping my father run a business while we were growing up and they both worked 6-7 days a week. Seeing her work so hard while also raising us really inspired me.

What advice can you give to soon to-be-Mums?

Developing your skill of patience is one of the most important things as a mum. Patience with your child but also with yourself. Accepting that things take time and we need to be patient was and continues to be a challenge but I try and practice patience every day.

How has becoming a Mum to your beautiful child changed you?

Becoming a mum changed me in the sense that I realised the importance of having a plan but detaching from the outcome. What will be will be. We can’t control everything and we should accept that with grace.

How do you hope your children describe you?

I hope my children describe me as their biggest fan! Because I am 

How will you be spending Mother’s Day this year?

This Mothers Day we will be having a lunch at my mum’s house.

What is something you want to tell your Mum?

Thank you for everything you have done for me over the years and thank you for all that you continue to do for me now I have become a mother myself.

What are five words to describe your Mum?

Caring. Resilient. Dependable. Loving. Devoted




What is your favourite part of being a Mum? 

Having a little best friend to watch grow and make memories with. I love being able to take Daisy to experience things for the first time and watch the joy on her face. She also makes me laugh every day, I’m so in awe of the little people they seem to become overnight!

What inspires you the most about your Mother?

Her strength, resilience, and effortless knack for making sure everyone around her is nurtured.

What advice can you give to soon to-be-Mums?

Follow your gut, you will always know what is best for your baby. You can read every book there is, but at the end of the day you just need to do what works best for your family. Every child is so different, there’s no one size fits all and it’s our job to nurture them and to celebrate their uniqueness. 

How has becoming a Mum to your beautiful children/child changed you?

Becoming a mum has made me slow down and appreciate the little things in life. Noticing shadows from the sun, a bird in a tree, or flowers on a walk. Seeing things through my daughters’ eyes makes the simplest of things magical again and really puts everything into perspective.

How do you hope your children describe you?

I hope my daughters describe me as a strong woman who was always there to love them, laugh with them, guide them and nurture them for exactly who they are. 

How will you be spending Mother’s Day this year?

I will be spending the morning with my husband and daughter, getting breakfast and being outside together. My mum, grandma and sisters’ family will spend the afternoon at our place over a late lunch, whilst we watch the kids run around and play.

What makes your Mum special?

My mum has always put us right at the top of her list of priorities, often putting her own needs aside. She is the most selfless person I have ever known and a born mother. It’s such a joy to now watch the relationship between her and my daughter, Daisy doesn’t realise yet how lucky she is to have her as her Kiki.





What is your favourite part of being a Mum?

Watching him play and learn. Plus all the cuddles and kisses.  

What inspires you the most about your Mother?

The way she raised us so loving and caringly while working fulltime and made it look so effortless.

What advice can you give to soon to-be-Mums?

Trust your instincts, no one knows your child like you do.

How has becoming a Mum to your beautiful child changed you?

Gosh so many ways I think. From the physical way your body changes during pregnancy to giving birth to post partum. I still can’t believe how amazing our bodies are to grow a baby in them. I found the first few months quite difficult and lonely until I got through the fourth trimester then your whole world changes to caring and loving your child and suddenly so many insignificant things don’t matter anymore.

How do you hope your children describe you?

If he would describe me as loving and caring I’d be happy.

How will you be spending Mother’s Day this year?

I’m starting the day by treating myself to a facial. Then we will be visiting my mum for lunch and then having a picnic in the park with my mother in law in the afternoon.

What is something you want to tell your Mum?

I hope she would know this but just how much I love and appreciate her.

What are five words to describe your Mum?

Caring, generous, selfless, loving, kind.

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