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October 13, 2020 4 min read

At Girl and the Sun, we are constantly inspired by the women in our community who are changing the game and chasing their dreams. In this series, get to know some of the amazing women behind our favourite local businesses as they share their stories to success!

This week, we're chatting with Caitlyn Everett, the amazing creative mind behind Sunday Lane. 

We are long time lovers of Sunday Lane, but for anyone who may not know, could you tell us about the Sunday Lane studio and store?

Founded on modern-day narratives and inspired gifting, we are best known for our Zodiac Collection. A guide to self-discovery, our work is a gentle reminder to see meaning in this beautiful, sometimes chaotic life, no matter what the season. 

The Sunday Lane store is inspired by effortless, natural beauty and captures the magic of handmade details. I am so passionate about offering a unique range of local, Australian and International makers. 

How was Sunday Lane created and what was that journey like for you?

Sunday Lane was born purely by chance. It began with just one print, my own, in a time when I was searching for words that would help me survive under a sea of doubt. I had a full time job I loved - it was simply a personal project that caught traction and found itself in front of a community of women who related so openly. We grew organically and very quickly. The journey has been beautiful, challenging, inspiring and chaotic but as a small team, with husband and wife owners we pour our heart and soul into the brand. 

What is the most rewarding part of owning your own business?

Sunday Lane fills me up and empties me in the same moment. If I let it, it would consume me entirely. And yet the good far outweighs the bad. It inspires and empowers me, gives me purpose and freedom to create and build something I am so completely in love with, something I am proud of. 

What was the inspiration behind your iconic Zodiac collection and how did that come to fruition?

There is something so magical about the idea that this universe, the Sun and Moon, have moments made up just of you, that give reason to your world, both big and small.

The Zodiac Women are at the centre of our brand, it is what set fire to this journey and we work to bring out a new collection each year. It is an ever changing series, evolving with me as I evolve as a designer and a writer.

What Zodiac sign are you, and what attributes of this sign are you most proud to possess?
I am a very proud Sagittarius Woman. I dream big and take risks, I am wildly passionate about fighting for what I believe in. I am romantic, idealistic. It empowers me and has played such a defining role in allowing me to overcome uncertainties and self-doubt, to help find meaning amongst who I was, and why, to turn my weaknesses into strengths. 

Having grown Sunday Lane so successfully over the last few years, what is the biggest lesson you have learnt so far? Could you pinpoint the challenges that you had to overcome?

To be kinder to myself. Still, 3 years on, I often doubt my work, or myself, my talents and I am a big over analyser. I've created a business built on cultivating self love, and I will tell a friend, even a stranger how deeply they should love themselves, trust their process. I am still learning that for myself.   

Looking at the future of Sunday Lane, what are you most excited for?

We are moving our little family, and our business to the Sunshine Coast at the end of this year. It's been such a long time coming and it opens up the opportunity to move into a large studio space, and expand and grow our team - something I have been aching for this entire year. 

Sunday Lane seems to epitomise the beauty found in slowing down. In 2020, slower living is something we have all been forced to think about. What is your advice for this?

My days are mostly filled with organised chaos and I wear so many hats, I am a buyer, planner, creator. I do my best to switch off, to slow down and I am constantly learning, teaching myself to take in all these beautiful moments before they go rushing past me. The balance between mother and wife, or business owner is a hard one to manage and I do my best to surround myself with a community of people that lift me, that allow me to take a minute to myself. Slowing down is something I am still working towards. I have to remind myself that I am doing what I can. 

What is your best self care ritual?

Going for a walk by the ocean with my little family, a long shower or a nice dinner.  

What advice would you impart on the next generation of women?

Oh dear - too much to sum up in a few short sentences. I think my work, all my words are made up of everything I wish I was told when I was younger, or what I will tell my children when they are old enough to understand. It is what I believe to be true. One of my favourites, and one that I reread to myself over and over is 'I hope you dive into the deepest oceans and dance with wildness. I hope you drink from the magic of what this world is offering you. And I hope you fall in love with being alive'. 


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